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Old 02-07-2021, 04:28 AM
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Yes his mullet! I was in mourning for that after the Pilot.
It did not look bad on him. I do not like that style in general, or on Steve for example, but it was not bad on him.

He was such a good friend to Brandon in BYOB when he took him to alcoholics anonymous.
Also, a good reality check and a grounding person for Brandon, who was childishly pouting that he would like to keep drinking to show that he can or something, after he got away very easily for drunk driving, and Jim did not even scold him.

Jim was awful in that episode! People would probably argue that he was injured so it badly affected his mood, but I hated the pressure he put on Brandon.
Yeah. He was somewhat different father in S1. There was a lot of tension between him and Brandon, in One of One for example. I liked the family dynamic that S1 explored (also with Cindy/Brenda). Later all the conflicts in the family were redcured to Brenda/Jim, while none of parents had a problem with Brandon's behaviour, and it was boring, and not a good message either. It's not like he did not make big mistakes too.

I guess Jim was more ambitious and insecure about his job in the beginning too, so he behaved like an ass sometimes. Later he became more confident.

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