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Old 06-18-2020, 05:15 PM
Absolute Fan

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I've been so hooked on fanfics both CA and Lucifer that I've been neglecting 'Soul Trade'. I only even started it on a road trip and actually ended up accessing a fanfic on my phone for the trip back.
I cannot blame you for prioritizing fanfic reading. I do the same. I've been getting back into CA fic lately - in part due to your awesome recs in here.

I finished 'Cursed' last night and, wow, what a beautiful fic! The ending stayed with me. So powerful and very CA.

Oh most definitely. Hell, he was pretty much her Diet-Angel to borrow a term I heard in a YT video.
The guy was a champion with a secure soul whom she even made up to look like Angel.
LMAO. Diet-Angel is a good phrase.

Her giving Groo a makeover into looking like Angel had to be the one really 'Cordy! You're being waaaay too oblivious!! Come on!' moment for me in the show. Because I'm usually pretty understanding of why she'd bury her feelings for Angel/not pick up on his. But, phew, that was rough.

Of course, as we've discussed's possible there was a little Jasmine influence taking root already due to whatever Skip did to her...

I agree that their relationship was superficial lust and a Buffy supplement for Xander but something real was at least starting to grow between them just before he threw it in the trash for a face suck with Willow.
Not real enough...since as soon as Willow was taken he was suddenly into her - despite her crushing on him for most of their childhood. His immediate issue/jealously with Oz in Phases is so gross. And, of course, he complained about Oz right in front of Cordy, once again devaluing her as his gf right in front of her.

He did give her the gold locket and didn't it have an inscription even, something he'd clearly put thought into and if memory serves felt at least a shred of guilt for hurting her.
Even the locket gift is cheapened for me because he gets approval of it from Buffy before giving it to Cordy and basically says he's only with Cordy bc Buffy is unavailable in the opening scene of the episode.

Xander: (chuckles) Okay, big yuks. When are you guys gonna stop making
fun of me for dating Cordelia?
Buffy: I'm sorry. But never. (Xander nods, smiles and looks down) I
just think you could find somebody more... better.
Xander: Uh, parallel universe, maybe. (looks up) Here the only other
person I'm interested in is, um... unavailable.
Also, ew at them talking about Cordy like Xander is somehow too good for her. This is the same guy who violates her mind & bodily autonomy later in the episode by trying to cast a love spell in order to crush her for dumping him...

The Cordy stan in me is triggered by that scene.

Also, I can't remember if the locket has an inscription? I know the weird bracelet he gave Buffy in The Witch did.

when he stumbled upon her family's IRS trouble he respected her request for secrecy, a request she arguably had no right to make of him after she revenge gossiped about his abusive father I believe it was. He even bought her prom dress.
Okay, I will grant him that. I wonder how much of it was him being selfless, and how much of it was bc he felt guilty and wanted to atone in some way for cheating on her.

Then again, it was quite rare for any of the Scoobies to have to suffer consequences for their actions.
So true.

For ex, when Faith killed a guy, she went to prison. Williow got to go on a lovely paid vacation with Giles. I know there's more to it than that (Faith didn't feel like she was in control of herself...I think she felt it was safer for others if she was locked up, etc) but, ugh, that's always annoyed me lol.

Pretty much any BA scene would be unfavorable which is like 75% of seasons 1-3.
When I was re-watching some S2 episodes (of the awful BTVS HD 'remaster') the other month, I was really taken aback by how little BA were a thing before he went all evil. When you binge watch episodes, they date for like 2 weeks before he turns. Surprise & Innocence didn't pack the punch for me it it did in the past. Though it could've also been the mood I was in...idk...sometimes I'll watch something and be like 'meh' and other times I'll be like 'ALL THE FEELS' .

Have you seen the Passion of The Nerd's episode guide where he points out the Bangel Speak?
Time stamp - 3:22.

We could add 'Dead End' to our watch list, it does have some good CA!
Oh, sounds fun! It does have great CA.

Also, if you ever wanted to re-watch Halloween, Reptile Boy, or some Sunnydale CA episodes together, that could be fun too.

I DO NOT like the idea of Angel showing interest in Cordy just to get back at Buffy that's not fair to her and doesn't make him any better than Xander but he did do somewhat just that in SAR.
There seemed to be contempt in his declaration that "Cordelia told me the truth" because Buffy had lied to him about taking the night off.
Hence, I concur that he might have accepted her dance invitation as an act of revenge.
In my version he's not 100% using her. Like, yeah, maybe it starts that way--as him only dancing with her bc she's hot and he's annoyed at Buffy so he lets Liam out of his cage a little--but it would of course blow up in his face, because he'd like Cordy waaaaay more than he ever would've guessed and there'd be a spark of something real that occurred when they danced together. If I was writing this as a fic, I'd then have that spark change the entire course of S2. Explore what would happen if Angel and Cordy started becoming friends...or more...earlier.

A bit OT, but, Cordy & Faith really could've bonded over the whole 'coming in second to Buffy' thing.
"I think it, I say it. It's my way."

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